Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I never set out to make New Year's resolutions, but somehow I always end up taking advantage of the opportunity to start fresh. This year it has resulted in purging not only my email that had sustained an embarrassing overflow for the past two months but also clearing out my blog completely. It was time.

That said, how about a real update? The holidays were wonderful. I will admit, it was strange not having the full month off this year as in college, but I like to think that Christmas break was just as much fun--only condensed into four days. The best part was Justin drove up from Georgia to surprise me Christmas day. I was so excited! Very sneaky sneaky of him.

It was so nice hanging out with the family as well. One highlight was learning to make cinnamon rolls from scratch via my grandma's instruction with my sisters (we call her Ma-maw). I have yet to try it solo, but I'm hoping they will be at least half as wonderful as hers were. As for New Year's Eve, I might have fallen asleep before the clock struck twelve, but who's counting, right? I almost made it...

Beyond that, I am looking forward to more hospitable weather so I can go outside and play. Today I broke out the Capilene and walked around the neighborhood a few times, which was so wonderful because it seems like the first time in forever that the sun has been out. I'm dying to get a bike. And I really want to start doing some traveling again. I think this means some road trips are in order to start off with, so keep a look out for some photos soon.

I have a good feeling about 2009.

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